Dip. (Damelin College)
Cert. (United Church and Bible College)
Dip. (United Church and Bible College)
B.Th. (South African Theological Seminary)
M.T.S (Nations University)
Ph.D. (South African Theological Seminary)
D.Min (Columbia Evangelical Seminary)
"Calvinism in the Emerging Church in NZ." Grace Theological College and by the Fellowship of Reformed Baptists in NZ (2008).
"How (Not) to Plant a Church." The Gospel Coalition (02/26/2019).
A Parallel Interlinear of Genesis in Hebrew, Greek, Latin, and English (Lectio Divina Publications, 2022).
A Parallel Interlinear of Exodus in Hebrew, Greek, Latin, and English (Lectio Divina Publications, 2022).
Ruth and Jonah—Polyglot Interlinear Series (Lectio Divina Publications, 2022).
A Greek Uncial-Minuscule Interlinear of 1 John (Glossahouse, 2022).
"The Underlying Problem: A Brief Analysis of Meredith G. Kline’s Response to Theonomy," London Lyceum Disputation Series (2022).
"Meredith Kline's Covenant Theology as Architectonic Substructure of the Reformed Two-Kingdom Project," SATS PhD compendium (2022), 86-115.
"Toward a Substructural Cartography of Reformed Cultural Engagement: Key Areas in Confessional Reformed and Covenantal Thought," The South African Baptist Journal of Theology 31 (2022), 153-81.
"The Creation Account: A Divine Introduction to the Covenant Drama" Grace Alone (2022).
Covenant Lord and Cultic Boundary: Meredith Kline and the Reformed Two Kingdom Project (Eugene, OR: Pickwick Publications, 2023).
Michael Beck
Academic Dean | Professor of Biblical Studies
Dr. Michael Beck is from South Africa. However, in 2005, he was commissioned and sent to plant Gracenet Community Church in Wellington (part of the Fellowship of Reformed Baptist Churches in New Zealand). From that point, Dr. Beck has remained in New Zealand to serve as the church’s pastor. He also served as the director for the Acts 29 Church Planting Network in New Zealand until starting his doctoral research.
Together with preaching and church planting, Dr. Beck is deeply invested in theological training. In this regard, he teaches Biblical Hebrew and Biblical Theology at Grace Theological College in New Zealand. He is also an instructor in theology for the Ministry Training Program of the Fellowship of Reformed Baptist Churches in New Zealand.
Dr. Beck received his PhD from the South African Theological Seminary. His dissertation was on Reformed covenant theology and its relationship to cultural engagement (published as Cult and Culture: A Dialectic Inquiry Concerning Meredith Kline and the Reformed Two Kingdom Project, Pickwick Publications). In relation to his current research projects, Dr. Beck hosts a regular, lively and open theological discussion on the Two Age Sojourner podcast.
He has been married to Candice for 19 happy years. While living in Wellington, they have been blessed with five beautiful children. Besides enjoying quality time with family and friends, Mike loves to spend his time reading, preferably next to the fireplace, and with pipe in hand.
Courses taught​
Introduction to the OT I
Introduction to the OT II
Introduction to the NT I
Introduction to the NT II
Greek I
Greek II
Hebrew I
Hebrew II
Systematic Theology I
Systematic Theology II
Systematic Theology III
Systematic Theology IV